我们对待宠物就像对待家人一样, so we want them to get quality medical care when they are sick or injured. Trupanion®帮助提供猫和狗的覆盖和保护.
Watch a short video 和 see how Trupanion pet insurance helps protect your four-legged family members.
Take care of your bow-wows 和 meows with high-quality pet medical insurance
From Hounds 和 Huskies to Poodles 和 puppies, Trupanion的 got coverage for your beloved canine.
猫 和 狗 会因为各种原因生病或受伤吗. You shouldn't have to think about the cost when your pet requires medical attention.
Things like 诊断测试, imaging, 和 hospitalization can be more costly than you imagine. The average cost of surgical care for a dog is about $458, 和 for cats it’s about $2012. 这会花掉你一大笔钱.
有合适的宠物医疗pp王者电子官网, you can focus on the health of your paw-son when they need veterinary care.
Trupanion strives to provide you 和 your furry family members with the most extensive coverage available from any pet insurance company.
Covers new or unexpected accidents, 遗传性和先天性疾病 和 other illnesses.
Vets with Trupanion的 direct pay software can submit your claim directly to Trupanion from their office. If you submit your own claim, Trupanion的 claim team processes about 60% of claims in just 24 hours.
Your pet insurance can be used at all licensed veterinary clinics 和 offices nationwide.
Your pet gets great coverage, with a single, high-quality 和 no-nonsense coverage plan3.
从日常疾病和伤害到紧急护理, 住院治疗及其他, 你的宠物可以通过一个简单的计划得到很好的兽医照顾. 当然,既存状况不包括在内. 深入了解政策细节以了解更多信息.
如果过敏, 癌症, 心脏病, 或者其他严重的疾病袭击了你的宠物, 你可以为他们提供最好的照顾.
骨折或咬伤可能是意外事故造成的. 你的宠物依靠你来帮助他们治愈这种伤害.
无论是遗传的还是先天性的, truupanion可以帮助治疗肘关节和髋关节发育不良等病症, 樱桃眼, 甲状腺疾病和其他慢性疾病.
诊断测试, 手术, 住院, or even holistic therapy as long as it’s prescribed by a licensed vet for the treatment of a covered 条件 are some of the medical situations covered.
药物, 处方, 兽医补充剂, herbal therapy 和 even prosthetic devices 和 carts are included in a Trupanion pet insurance plan.
Trupanion covers eligible veterinary care expenses based on your policy for your pet. 任何不符合条件的费用由你负责. Eligible veterinary care expenses include new 和 unexpected illnesses 和 injuries, 遗传性和先天性疾病, 诊断测试, 手术, 住院, 药物等.
既存状况是指任何疾病, 条件, or injury for which signs or evidence of their potential manifestation existed prior to your pet's coverage effective date. A pre-existing 条件 can also be an injury or recurrence of an injury that occurred prior to your pet’s coverage effective date.
No. Your coverage will not be reduced if you take your pet in for emergency care or see a specialist. You'll be reimbursed a certain percentage based on your specific policy for all covered claims. 如果你被转介到专科医生或去急诊医院, 您仍然会看到所有符合条件的费用的一定比例的报销. 兽医检查费用由您承担, 所以如果你要付专科费或急诊费, 这被认为是一样的.
州立农场代理不能为你提交或处理索赔. 以下是您提出索赔的选择:
- 直接付款. If your vet has Trupanion的 direct pay software, the vet may file the claim on your behalf.
- 打电话给Trupanion专家. 你也可以打电话提出索赔 855-518-1410 向理赔专家寻求帮助.
- 使用Trupanion移动应用程序. 下载应用程序 应用程序商店 or 谷歌玩.
- 在网上提出索赔. 请访问Trupanion的网站 http://members.trupanion.com.
提交索赔后,请直接向Trupanion咨询 855-518-1410 或者通过 在线会员门户. 的问题, 包括索赔状态和付款, customers can contact Trupanion directly or log in to their Trupanion member portal.
Not sure about what you might need or how pet insurance works, reach out to an agent near you.
宠物也会像人一样生病. 有时需要比预期更多的护理. 他们可能需要住院、检查和手术. Getting your best friend the care they need shouldn’t deplete your savings or require dipping into new lines of credit.
确保你了解法律,保护你车里的人. 就像婴幼儿需要特殊照顾和安全座椅一样, 有些州要求你的毛茸茸的朋友受到约束.
如果你的狗或猫跟着你进浴室,请举手, “帮助”你做饭、叠衣服,或者啃食室内植物. Some of these behaviors can be endearing — but some veer into dangerous territory. 只需要一点点准备, 你可以帮助他们远离宠物的危险, 即使你不能在那里.
你不能总是在家提醒他们远离危险. 或者你必须注意交通. Explore these pet-friendly fixes so you won’t have to worry about what your pet might be getting into.
1 顶级兽药产品来自dvm360 http://www.dvm360.com/pet-products-guide/other/pet-insurance.
2 北美宠物pp王者电子官网协会(NAPHIA) http://naphia.org/news/na-pet-health-insurance-market-more-than-doubles-in-four-years/
3 条款和条件可能因州而异,可以在 Trupanion的 网站.
Pet insurance products are underwritten in the United States by American 宠物pp王者电子官网 Company 和 ZPIC pp王者电子官网 Company, 6100 - 4号大街. 西雅图,华盛顿州98108. 由Trupanion Managers USA, Inc .管理. (CA license编号. 0g22803, NPN 9588590). 条款和条件适用,见 完整的政策 详情请访问Trupanion网站.
州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司, 其子公司及附属公司, 既不提供也不承担宠物pp王者电子官网产品的财务责任. 国营农场 is a separate entity 和 is not affiliated with Trupanion or American 宠物pp王者电子官网.
国营农场 (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 其子公司及附属公司) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 本材料中引用的任何第三方网站的内容. Products 和 services are offered by third parties 和 国营农场 does not warrant the merchantability, 第三方产品和服务的适用性或质量.